Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wanted: A White Nanny

Harper loves Mary Poppins (a reoccurring theme around here).  But while Lucy likes to reenact all the scenes and create her own magical world, Harper is obsessed with the music.  She lately will hear just about any word and can pick up a song from Mary Poppins that has that word in it. Today she heard the word "pretty" and she began to sing the Banks children's advertisement song for a new nanny.  She gets a few words incorrect, though, and won't be persuaded otherwise, so today she went about singing, "Must be cool you must be witty.  Nanny must be white, cuz that is pretty". I'm pretty sure that Walt Disney wasn't signing off on a song that had children advertising for only white nannies.  Harper's only argument, "Yes, huh!  Cuz, cuz, Mary Poppins is white- right?"  Well, yes. And then she adds, "but then she is black."  And right again, from all the soot.  Just calling it like she sees it.

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