Friday, September 17, 2010

Wonderful 1!

Graham turned 1 yesterday.  Here is how his day went, woke up, sort of happy, Ian and I sang happy birthday to him and wisked him out to the front room so he could enjoy a few quiet moments of birhday bliss.  This included lots of hugs and kisses and cuddles from me, more birthday song from Gramzie and lots of attention.  He began opening and enjoying his presents- lots of balls, cars, and a bubble mower.  And then, there they were, his big sisters, oohing and aahing his new toys and giving him lots of attention, that is until they took them away for themselves. 
Lucy took the cars, the big green ball and the firetruck.  Harper stashed the new bubble mower under her bed and tucked his new stuffed shark into her blankets.  I'm not sure Graham even knew what he got before they were snatched by his sisters.  He got his revenge, though, because as they were playing with his cars and planes later, he snuck off with Lucy's new princess figurines that he's been eyeing.  Cars for the girls, and princesses for the boy.  As long as they are playing peacefully,  I couldn't care less.
Last night was back to school night for Lucy and Ian and I had to be there right after dinner time.  This meant a rushed rendition of "Happy Birthday" and watching Graham gobble up peach cobbler in a minute, flat.  No worries, the smashing of cupcakes will come Saturday during his party at the apple orchard. 
One brings some new things for Graham.  He is still working on walking and definitely can take up to 5 or 6 steps at a time, without thinking, although he does too much thinking most of the time and chickens out.  He has really started talking a lot the past few days.  He is answering questions with yes or no, he is communicating when he is ready for nap, when he wants a paricular toy, when he hears an airplane outside, when he wants a drink or when he is hungry.  This is all making for a happier Grammy, if he can ask for something, I am much more likely to meet his needs earlier.
I can't believe he is already 1!  Lucy says this means he can't be a chubby little guy anymore and that he needs to start walking and talking better.  He's working on it, but for now, I still like that he wants to cuddle and hug, because that only lasts for so long.

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