Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Good-bye Summer...

With Labor Day signaling the end of Lucy's summer, I thought I would jot down her summer list and include a few notes along the way.

LUCY'S SUMMER LIST 2010 (as dictated to me on the last day of school in June)
  1. Catch fireflies
  2. Pillow Fight
  3. Sprayground
  4. Ladybug Release
  5. Toy Story 3(with Kylee and Natalie)
  6. Meet Daddy for Picnic
  7. Building Museum (we went and saw the Lego exhibit and added our own scuptures to the Lego city they were building.  Lucy is obsessed with Legos.)
  8. Visit Ms. Hazel
  9. Ice Cream from the Ice Cream Man (this is one she wants to repeat every single time we hear his Christmas music playing)
  10. Air and Space Museum
  11. Sprinkler
  12. Bowling (Lucy bowled an 83!)
  13. Candy Store
  14. Ride a Horse (in Lexington, at Horse Park, with Gramzie)
  15. River Farm
  16. Mt. Vernon
  17. Go to Beach ("North Carolina, Surf City Beach")
  18. Botanic Garden
  19. See butterflies at the Natural History Museum
  20. Baltimore Aquarium (we saw the dolphin show which all three kids loved and were enthralled by.  The girls also liked the giant sea turtle, the stingrays and the shark, oh, and the "Nemo fish")
  21. Go see boats at the marina (we did this on Ian's birthday in Annapolis)
And let's not forget 2 1/2 weeks in Kentucky, some of which she was hanging out there without us, water parks, playdates, campout, shrimp boil, bike rides, playground, swimming, swimming and more swimming and getting ready for kindergarten.  We have dubbed this summer "Lucy's greatest summer ever!" and I don't think she would disagree.

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