Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day was a Success!

I think it is the best of signs when they are leading the kinders out of the building and many have on shell-shocked faces, some have signs of pure exhaustion and there comes Lucy, bouncing, smiling and chatting it up with a buddy.  She bounded over, said she had "the best first day of kindergarten- ever!" gave me a hug and then came the shell-shock.  She just stood there for a minute, I think decompressing, and then was ready to head home.  For the entire walk she talked about the tour they took of the school, the work they did, the library book she checked out, the rules of the classroom and so on and so on. 
She got home, was starving, ate, ate and ate some more (so did Graham, even though he did not have school today) and opened up a special box that our favorite farmer, Farmer Richard, gave to her as a back-to-school gift (it was a huge box of Asian pears).  Now she and Harper are playing together and talking as though they haven't seen each other in weeks.  She's already excited about tomorrow, that, along with the smiles, is the mark of a great first day!

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