Monday, August 3, 2009

No flower power here

Lucy got a new bike a few weeks ago. Funny story that I hadn't put on the blog and wanted to make sure was included:

Ian and I went and scouted out bikes before I actually took Lucy to buy the bike. This way we were in agreement on price, etc and I could steer Lucy towards the bike we wanted her to get and still let her think it was her decision. We chose a bike named "flower power". Pretty typical, pink with pink and purple flowers on it, white tires, etc. Same ol' bike you've seen a million little girls riding on any sidewalk in any neighborhood. Uh, we forgot we were dealing with Lucy.

When Lucy and I got to the store and I let her look around for a minute and then I began hyping up the cool "flower power" bike. She said something like, "Yeah, it's ok. But... it's pink." We forgot one crucial part of Lu's sense of style- no pink and certainly nothing that is super-girly. It just isn't her thing. Instead she directed me to the Thomas the Tank Engine bike that was about 3 times as much as the bike Ian and I had chosen. So she continued to look. The final outcome? "The gravel crusher". It is the same as the flower power bike but the boys' version. It is blue and yellow with black tires. She wanted a basket for the front, to her dismay they did not have a black basket, only white ones with flowers on them. She settled for one that had some rainbow colors thrown in. In the end we have a boys' bike with purple and white streamers, a rainbow basket, a silver airplane attached on the handlebars and a pink bell (the Easter Bunny forgot about the pink thing too and brought a pink bell in her basket this year). She thinks it is the coolest. I guess now that we have a boy on the way a preschooler sized bike will not be a thing we have to buy again. Hopefully Harper won't mind its gravel crushing ways.

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