Monday, August 24, 2009

New things for Harper, too!

Harper has a new interest- the potty. She is very interested in what goes into the potty, who goes to the potty and when she goes to the potty. Whenever I notice that she might be filling her diaper, I ask, "Hey Harper, are you going potty?" This seemed to work well with Lucy at this age in getting her to recognize when she was going so that when it was potty training time, she seemed to know what it was all about.

Harper is taking it another step. Today she gave a little grunt and then patted her diaper and said, "I going potty". Then I asked if she wanted to go on the potty. She said, "Yeah!" and ran off to the bathroom. She sat for a couple minutes, concentrating very hard (I'm not sure she was concentrating on going potty, or just the act of sitting on the potty, but it was a stern concentration). Nothing happened but she was very proud.

We are not ready to potty train and have no interest in getting her there anytime soon, but the little glimmers of her interest promise that maybe we won't have two in diapers for forever!

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