Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A month and counting????

Went to the doc today. I have strep group b so that means that as of right now I have to have an iv during delivery. If you know me, that is not good news since I have chosen to not have drugs with Lucy and Harper for the sole reason that I HATE needles. I am investigating alternatives so keep your fingers crossed for me. I am going to fight it, within reason and with total regard for the baby's health.
Second, I am already 3 cm dilated. This raised some eyebrows since I have been insisting for some time now that I thought I was further along than what they say I am and since they began wondering the same thing a couple weeks ago. Still no reason to really think that the baby will come early, but also no reason to think that he will stay put. We'll see. Good news, early baby means I am more comfortable sooner than later. Bad news, we can always use more time right now. I told Lucy that the baby just might come before her birthday (it was one of her requisites that the baby not come before her bday). She had a great attitude and said, "a baby brother is a good birthday present". That was all that was said. We'll see...

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