Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bath, Scoot and Boogy!

Harper is not crawling, or creeping or anything like that, but... When she was in the tub with Lucy the other night she made her way all around the tub, by scooting on that plump little booty. It started out accidental, she slid across the tub and thought it was funny, then she figured out that she could get to the toys she wanted by scoot/sliding over to them. It cracked Lucy and I up. This short little squirt, in all her nakedness scooting around the tub like she was on ice, or a buttered floor. Then she threw a temper tantrum when I took her out of the tub. A taste of freedom and being able to get to what you want, now if only she could figure out how to do that on dry land, with her clothes on.

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