Sunday, January 11, 2009

32 Fun

We celebrated my 32nd bday by sleeping in (Harper slept until 9:30am- yippee!) hanging around the house and meeting Ian and our friends the Davis Family out for dinner. Taylor is in town so she was able to join us as well. Lucy insisted on party regalia-hats and party blowers for everyone at the table but then decided that everyone else should wear the hats, but not her. The babies were hilarious in their hats and neither even noticed them on their heads.
We headed home afterwards for ice cream cake and gifts. Lucy drew my favorite card of all time for me- a drawing of our family- her first of this type of drawing. She also "wrote me a note" with all the letters she knows how to write. They included such sentiments as "Happy birthday" and "I love you". Harper did not come up with a card of her own, but the sleeping in was a great gift. Ian surprised me with a night on the town complete with "West Side Story" tix, dinner and a dress. Happy birthday to me!

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