Friday, February 10, 2012

Teenage Dream

Harper is very eager to become a teenager.  She asks me everyday "how many days until I am a teenager?"  She also wants to know what a teenager is.  She also wants to make sure that teenagers are not adults, but does not like the explanation that they are "big kids".  Whatever, she thinks they are awesome. 
Another favorite topic?  When her hair is going to change color.  After looking at baby books and seeing that her hair used to be darker brown and seeing pictures of me when I was little and seeing that my hair used to look like hers does now, she is obsessed about her changing color.  She says things like, 'I wish my hair would change color!  It's just not fair.  I want to be a teenager with brown hair."
If only she could see into the future and add up all the money she will one day spend to have hair the color she has now, she would cherish it!

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