Friday, February 10, 2012

Gonna make you itch

Last week was a doozey.  We were wrapping up a busy weekend with Lucy going to swim practice.  After swim she heads to the showers.  She changes and since she had been quick I put her under the dryer to dry her hair.  I am combing through her hair when I see it.  A bug.  Not just any bug. Lice.
Never in my life have I gotten out of a place faster.  Within minutes we are in the car and I am calling home to tell Ian to keep up the little ones before bedtime and I have notified her friend whom I am picturing over and over again with her head against Lucy's as they tell secrets.
I get home and the worst case possible lies before me: all 3 kids have lice.
I begin treating them and Ian goes to the store for more meds, sprays, etc.  I then spend the next 4 hours picking nits out of the kids hair.  Gross.  I mean really gross.
12:30am I finally put the last one to bed and Ian heads off to bed (he had already done several loads of laundry, treated all the mattresses, vaccuumed, etc.)  I then continue to de-lice the house until 3:30am.  Thankfully we were out of school for a few days due to teacher work days and the kids didn't have to miss school.
Several days of nit-picking and 21 loads of laundry in 3 days, vacuuming every soft surface every day for a week...
I don't wish it upon anyone and dread getting it again.
Sorry.  I know, it makes you itch just thinking about it.  Feel free to scratch now.

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