Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Heard on the court...

  • "Mom, I look so cold.  I look so cold in these sunglasses!  Don't I look cold?"- Harper
  • "Actually...", "Honestly...", "Obviously..."  These three words begin many many sentences around here these days and are used by both Lucy and Harper and only used correctly about 1/3 of the time, actually.
  • "My soccer coach's name is Coach Rufus. I wonder if they call him that because he likes to dance on rooftops like Bert from Mary Poppins.  I will have to ask him."  She did indeed ask him and his response was awesome: "Yes, I do like to dance on rooftops.  Most people don't get that reference, but you did.  Very smart." She grinned and walk away, glad that another man in her life likes to dance on rooftops.
  • Lucy: "Harper, I start kindergarten very soon. When I am at kindergarten you will be the big sister and will need to tell Graham what to do."  Harper said, "Ok, I will tell him what to do.  No problem."
  • "Blarf!" This is Graham's go to word to get everyon to laugh at the dinner table.
  • So, if you add the word, "head" or "poop" to anything, then it makes the statement a joke.  Giggles will abound and multiply and will encourage more usage of these two words.  Try it, see if you laugh.  If you don't, then try it again, because if you don't then you are just a "poopyhead".
Graham's words as of 8/10/10: Momma, Dada, shark, bye, dog, hey or hi, plus more if you count mimicking.

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