Wednesday, August 18, 2010

And he walked on the ceiling!

After many months of anticipation, we finally took Lucy to see Mary Poppins at the Kennedy Center.  She chalked up the fact that she was the only kid going to the fact that she is a soon-to-be-kindergartener and therefore quite eligible for such big outtings.  She loved "Let's go fly a kite" and "Step in Time" but her favorite was definitely "Supecalifragilistiexpialidocious"- she is still singing this one over and over again.  The magic in the show did not dissapoint either.  She loved when Mary flew over the crowd, when Mary pulled a coat rack out of her carpet bag and when Bert danced on the ceiling. Now we have the soundtrack to both the movie and the theatre production and the girls listen to one or both every day.

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