Monday, April 19, 2010

Shake Your Groove Thang

Graham has found it, his GROOVE THANG, that is. We got back from KY and now he is a dancing machine. He hears anything resembling a beat and off he goes to the land of disco balls and dance floors. The girls love getting him to dance and so we now have a dance party at all times of day.
Dancing isn't the only thing he has discovered, bouncing in general is great fun. He loves to be jostled and bounced on my knee, or in my arms. And you can't stop. If you stop, you get some quick hip thrusts to get things going again. So when I rock him before bedtime now I am given a final hip thrust as I get ready to put him in bed. He may be half-asleep, but he is going to go dancing into his dreams.
So he will soon be introduced to our version of the Kentucky Derby, mounted on a knee, listening for the call to post and then a full call of the race, all while being bounced on a knee at full speed. He will always win, just as Lucy and Harper always did, and will be showered with a garland of roses. And I'm sure that win will deserve a victory dance.

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