Thursday, July 19, 2007

Future's so bright I gotta wear Goggles?

This child never ceases to crack me up. We were at the pool today and she was playing quietly and happily next to the water while I was talking to a friend. Then I hear "I gotta go potty" and looked over to see her sporting these goggles which she would not take off for the next half hour or so. She thought that she was pretty cool in them, and actually told me that she was "cool".
She played with her friends Jackson, Jane, Dagney, and Teagan until she couldn't take it anymore and said "I'm ready to go- NOW!"
Then when we got home from the pool she read some books and went down for a nap. When I checked on her some time later, this is what she looked like. She was so sweaty under that blanket- but at least she was asleep. Lately, we can' t get her to shut her trap long enough to go to sleep- she talks to anything and everything in her room until she passes out from exhaustion.

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