Wednesday, July 4, 2007

First Fireworks!!!

Went to the pool today to enjoy the 4th holiday and had a great day. Lucy decided that she wasn't scared of going in the "big potty" and had a blast splashing with Ian in the pool. We hung out that afternoon with Ronin and his family including his cousin Minako. They traced their bodies in chalk on the sidewalk, ate Popsicles, played in the tent, rode trikes, played "golf" and ran around like kids on the 4th of July! We ended the night by heading across the Parkway to Potomac Park to watch the DC fireworks (free of the traffic and loud booms). Lucy loved listening for the crackling and popping sounds in the distance and watching the flashes of light that popped up over the buildings. On Thursday she kept talking about the fireworks and told me that they said "boom, bang, bash, boom, boom,boom!" Sounds right to me!

Cute pictures, but you have to check out the video of Ronin throwing a tantrum because Lucy won't share her American flag. He throws the best tantrums in the world- textbook tantrums!

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