Sunday, July 29, 2007

With the fam

We had Taylor and Coulter, Lauren, Hunter and Kate over for dinner on Saturday. Lucy absolutely loves Coulter and likes to yell "Coulter chasing you!" and waits for him to come and get her. The rest of the time she just hangs on him. We will miss Taylor and Coulter so much when they leave next week!

We met Taylor and her charge, Eli, for storytime and lunch on Monday and Lucy got some good Eli time in as well as lots of chips and salsa!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Uncle and Aunt Invasion!

Hunter and his girlfriend, Kate, came in Wed to visit for a long weekend and Aunt Lauren came in on Friday for the fun. Lucy was so excited to see everybody! She loves all the attention and being able to show off for everyone. We went to the National Zoo on Thursday night to picnic and listen to a free concert by the Army Blues Band. Lucy danced and walked around on her play phone having a very serious conversation with folks that were sitting on the very picnic blanket she was circling.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Lucy has really gotten into "relaxing". She finds ways to "lay back" on everything- on the playground, on the couch, at her little table. She actually says "I'm rewaxing", just so we know.

Monday, July 23, 2007

At playground with Taylor

Taylor met us at story time today and went with us to Lucy's school playground. We are trying to get her used to going there and becoming familiar with at least part of the school before she starts after Labor Day.

Ronin's 2nd Birthday Party

Ronin turned 2 on Saturday and Lucy was there to celebrate with him. She "helped" him gather his presents, open them up, and even tried to help herself to a few. They had so much fun just running wild and blowing bubbles, eating ice cream. Lucy kept yelling "Happy Birthday To You Ronin!" and, as usual, loved singing the happy birthday song. She snuck a cupcake which of course she didn't eat, but she sure does love the idea of cake (still doesn't like cake!??!)

We spent the rest of the weekend swimming, painting with water colors and Aunt Taylor came over Monday for storytime and some playground time at Lucy's school. Lucy absolutely loves when she comes over!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Friday, July 20, 2007

At art museum with Taylor

We met Taylor at the National Gallery of Art on Friday. Lucy liked the Degas sculptures, pointed out tiger lilies in a painting and yelled "George Washington" when we saw his portrait and then got totally tired of being there. We headed out to have snacks next to an outdoor fountain where she demanded "money", or pennies to throw in the water- one of her new passions.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


We got a drizzle of rain today and Lucy insisted that she wear her raincoat.

Future's so bright I gotta wear Goggles?

This child never ceases to crack me up. We were at the pool today and she was playing quietly and happily next to the water while I was talking to a friend. Then I hear "I gotta go potty" and looked over to see her sporting these goggles which she would not take off for the next half hour or so. She thought that she was pretty cool in them, and actually told me that she was "cool".
She played with her friends Jackson, Jane, Dagney, and Teagan until she couldn't take it anymore and said "I'm ready to go- NOW!"
Then when we got home from the pool she read some books and went down for a nap. When I checked on her some time later, this is what she looked like. She was so sweaty under that blanket- but at least she was asleep. Lately, we can' t get her to shut her trap long enough to go to sleep- she talks to anything and everything in her room until she passes out from exhaustion.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

First Movie and Magical Potties

We went to Lucy's first movie today: Barnyard. It was a free movie at the movie theater and we met a handful of friends there as well. Lucy loved the popcorn and climbing up and down the stairs although she couldn't have cared less about the movie. The highlight: the bathrooms. It was her first experience with self-flushing toilets and we had to "go" 4 times so that she could see the "magic potty". At one point we were watching the movie when she got up and walked right out of the theatre (without knowing that I was right behind her) and headed to the bathroom. Needless to say, I think we will hold off on any more movie outings for a while, or at least until they start showing her favorite: Classical Baby, "the Scream" in particular, then of course, we would have to be able to watch the same 15 seconds of the show over and over again or it wouldn't be any fun for her at all.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ronin and Lucy dancing

Ronin came over today to offer an apology for a little tiff they got into the other night. Lucy answered with an "I'm sorry Lucy" in return and then decided they should play together. They snacked on some veggies and dip and then danced to "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and then had some tent time. I finally had to call the playdate quits when I was spending the entire time in the bathroom. It seems that if one has to go, then the other does, then they repeat. It is some sort of game they play. They might be staying dry, but unfortunately, that means I have to stay in the bathroom!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Liam's Birthday Party

We went to Severna Park, MD today to attend one of Lucy's pal's 2nd birthday party. They played in a ball pit, in a swimming pool, with bubbles and trucks and water tables, in a sprinkler and ran wild for 2 hours. It was a great time and she loved seeing all her Old Town buddies. She practiced for a full 2 days singing "Happy Birthday to You!" and was very excited when they actually sang it at the party. Now we are working on singing it for Ronin since he turns 2 on Sat.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Gloved One

Lucy likes to channel Michael Jackson (no idea where she gets this from!) and wears a light blue, sparkly glove, just one, around the house on a regular basis. Goofball!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

At Building Museum

Aunt Taylor invited us to play with her and Eli, the kid she babysits, at the National Building Museum. They had so much fun playing with sandbags, tools, in the little house, building towers and throwing pennies in the fountain. We had a picnic and Ian came over to eat lunch with us.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

In Old Town with Andrew

We met Andrew at the toy store Why Not? on Tuesday to birthday present shop for their friend Liam. They love the store since they have a train area, a little kitchen set up and well, it's a toy store! Lucy was rewarded with the book "The Lonely Firefly" and a little bracelet for doing such a great job on her potty training (still no accidents!) Then we headed to La Madaleine for lunch and then threw pennies in the fountain.

When we got home, Lucy was wired and danced and sang on the bed, then told me she was "relaxing" and chilled out on the pillows for a few minutes.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Grocery Shopping

Lucy has been doing a whole lot of pretend play lately. It has certainly escalated since she started this kind of play about 10 months ago. She tells me "Bye Bye Momma. I'm going to the grocery store." Then she grabs her purse, her cell phone, her keys and her baby and heads to the door. She usually tells Reggie to be a good boy and then I find her in her room with her grocery cart "shopping". It all ends with her bagging her own groceries and rocking her baby. Quite the busy little bee!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

I think we've done it!

Well, it is now Sunday night and Lucy has not had an accident since Wed evening. That's not to say that she won't ever, but she takes great pride in going on the potty and we actually have to tear her off of it in the evenings and convince her to put on a diaper before naptime/ bedtime. She is so proud of herself and has really racked up the stickers on her prize chart so she will get to choose a special prize this week. We are also almost out of jelly beans so hopefully once those are gone she will continue going without all the hoopla and prizes- we'll see.

We went swimming on Sat morning and then to a pool/birthday party in the evening. Lucy can't understand adult birthday parties- no balloons, no kids, no favor bags full of toys and everybody brought wine or beer as presents- not very fun for her but she made her own fun by splashing in puddles, using the potty 4 times in 2.5 hours, swimming in extremely cold water, and helping serve cake.

Today she spent the morning with Daddy and they hung out with Ronin and X while Deb and I caught a movie. When I got home she was serving Daddy "coffee" and eating fake strawberries. Then she painted some pictures, read some books and took a nap. We went for a walk, then built block towers, ate dinner (one of her favorites "hot stickers" (pot stickers) and edamame or as she calls it "eat a mommy".)

Friday, July 6, 2007


We borrowed a hiking backpack while back from our friends Amy and Glenn and since then it has sat in the corner of our dining room. Why don't we move it? Well, it occupies so much of Lucy's time I would be a fool to do away with it. She will come and tell me that she is going to "put on her seatbelt" and then sit at it and mess with the belt on it for up to a half hour at a time. She fills the pockets, puts her babies in it and "hides" in it. Who knew?

Aunt Lauren gave Lucy the book "Green Eggs and Ham" for Christmas and I put it away until Lucy could sit through a longer book. Well, I got it out three days ago and she is now hooked. We have read it upteen times and she answers every question in the book with a yes. For instance:
Sam I Am: Would you could you in a box?
Lucy: Yes.
Sam I Am: Would you with a fox?
Lucy: Yes
Sam I Am: Would you could you in a house? Would you could you with a mouse?
Lucy: Yes.Yes!

When she woke up Friday morning I asked her if she would like eggs for breakfast. She said, "Yes, green eggs and ham". So we made a big production of coloring her eggs and serving it with a side of ham and what did she do? "Momma, I do not like green eggs and ham".

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Potty Training Update

Well, if you haven't received a celebratory phone call in the past few days, I'm sure one is on the way. Lucy loves to call someone after she has gone potty in the potty to tell them of her success. And what success we are having! She is doing a great job at staying dry and has finally gotten over her fear of "going" into the potty. She is gobbling jelly beans by the handful now and her sticker chart is filling up quickly! We bought a toddler port a potty to keep with us all the time and she christened it when we went walking on the Mount Vernon Trail today. Never did I think that I would be cheering on my daughter for popping a squat on the side of a public trail, but we cheered and hugged and kissed (and then pulled her pants up) and Aunt Taylor was there to celebrate with us. She had 0 accidents today and 3 successes-we are well on our way!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

First Fireworks!!!

Went to the pool today to enjoy the 4th holiday and had a great day. Lucy decided that she wasn't scared of going in the "big potty" and had a blast splashing with Ian in the pool. We hung out that afternoon with Ronin and his family including his cousin Minako. They traced their bodies in chalk on the sidewalk, ate Popsicles, played in the tent, rode trikes, played "golf" and ran around like kids on the 4th of July! We ended the night by heading across the Parkway to Potomac Park to watch the DC fireworks (free of the traffic and loud booms). Lucy loved listening for the crackling and popping sounds in the distance and watching the flashes of light that popped up over the buildings. On Thursday she kept talking about the fireworks and told me that they said "boom, bang, bash, boom, boom,boom!" Sounds right to me!

Cute pictures, but you have to check out the video of Ronin throwing a tantrum because Lucy won't share her American flag. He throws the best tantrums in the world- textbook tantrums!

Glory Days with Daddy

Lucy and Ian dancing on the 4th to Bruce Springsteen's Glory Days.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tent Giggles

Ronin and Lucy play in the tent in Lucy's room. These two are out of control somtimes. I had to video this when Deb and I heard uncontrollable giggle and laughter coming from her room. I guess Ronin makes a good monster to Lucy's damsel in distress.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Taylor's photos

Here are photos and videos that Taylor has taken this summer since she arrived in DC. We love having her around and Lucy never loses the excitement of seeing her and Coulter show up at our house!