Monday, December 19, 2011

Up a tree

#1 on Lucy's Christmas List this year?  A climbing tree.  Ahhhh, I don't think that can really happen, being that a tree takes some time to grow, but I do believe that it is what the little peanut wants more than anything in the world.  At any given time, Lucy is running outside to climb in one of our two possible climbing trees, and boy are they are poor sight!  First up is the puny dogwood with thin branches that break and no height to really get a girl anywhere.  But she climbs it, every day.
Second up, is the taller Crepe Myrtle that is maybe the worst climbing tree on record.  Its branches all grow straight up, are thin and provide no stability, strength or even a good place to sit.  But she climbs it, every day. 
Both of these trees are very possible candidates for leading my child to the ER with a broken arm or cracked head, but she simply can't resist.  All the other trees are hollies (she tries, but they simply are too prickly), ornamental shrubs (which she is taller than) or giant beasts of trees in our backyard, which if she were a giant would be a great, but since the lowest branches start at our roof, probably not her best bet.
So, no climbing tree for Christmas, but I have promised a tree house in the spring.  As for her Christmas list, A Wii was #2, she's not getting that either, I'd rather she go climb a tree!

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