Monday, December 19, 2011

Graham and Charlie

I've been hosting a boys' playgroup all fall once a week, we call it 'Graham's Gang'.  All of the boys, 5 in all, are 2 years old.  And they are all becoming good little friends.  But two stand out: Charlie and Graham.  These two are hilarious. They love each other I think partly because they are so much darn alike.  They both have older sisters, they both are thick little dudes who crash into everything in sight, they both love a snack, trains, cars and being silly.  They have little conversations about "cardinals" and "tractors" and "garbage trucks" which usually just involve them telling the other how much they love one of the afore mentioned. 
They make up songs, look at books together, dance to any beat around and love playing outside together. Graham will even wear a coat (which he is not always inclined to do) if I explain that "Charlie has one just like this".   So while Graham loves his other buddies, and looks forward to them coming over, Charlie is #1 for now. 

These photos were taken on a rainy day which involved us hunting for worms, splashing in puddles and catching rain drops in our mouths.  These two were soaked within minutes and took turns running into each other to see who could make a bigger splash. 

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