Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pretty Boy

A few months ago there was Internet hub bub about a JCrew ad that showed a mom painting her sons toenails.  I didn't hear about this until the day Graham showed up at school with painted blue toenails.  Oh, and a blue beaded necklace.  And his sisters' pink striped sunglasses.  And a ponytail in his hair. 
Folks asked me, "does Ian care?"  Does Ian care?  In short, no.  He doesn't care.  We are pretty sure that our head butting, wrestling, tackling big boy is pretty secure in his, uh, manhood.  He really just wants to be like his sisters, who he thinks are the greatest people on Earth.  When they put on jewelry, he puts on jewelry.  When they line up, assembly-line style, to have their hair done in the mornings, he lines up to. He used to settle for just a hair brushing.  Then he would ask for a hair barrette which could easily be swiped out of his hair without him even knowing.  But now we are on to the ponytail.  Not as easy to discreetly take out, but he likes it and that's all that matters for now.  Happy boy makes me a happy girl.  And Ian is just fine with that!

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