Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Max and Molly (and Aunt Lauren)

Max, Molly and Aunt Lauren visited for 3 days last week and the kids couldn't have been happier to have them around. I have to say, it can be a bit like running a daycare when they are all together, but we had a wonderful visit, with no fights, no sleepless nights and no illness, as usually is the case. The kids enjoyed visiting Aunt Taylor, the zoo, the pool and just playing in the backyard and in the house.   Graham thinks Max is the most awesome person in the whole world and they are becoming good buddies- watch out world, Max and Graham just might take over! And Lucy loved helping to take care of Molly and Harper pig ponged between the two gangs, getting into trouble with the boys and being sweet and calm, looking at books and playing with babies with the girls. 

We were sad to see them go, but know we will see them before too long and now that Aunt Lauren has made the trip by herself, maybe we can see them all the more often!

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