Thursday, April 7, 2011

What's new with Lu?

Lucy is obsessed with making books, having slumber parties and being outside.

Every day Lucy sits down at our dining room table with a stack of papers, a giant carousel of crayons and makes a new book.  They have plots, colorful illustrations and lots of details.  Each book is about 5 or 6 pages long, as a front cover or "title page" as she calls it and a back cover, where she usually dedicates the book or writes "THE END" in giant letters.  I wish we could keep every one of them, but for now, she insists they are gifts for folks for birthdays, teachers for "just being great" and friends. 


Slumber parties. We hosted our first slumber party a few weeks ago and had 4 girls, plus Lucy and Harper, slumber in our basement. Actually, Harper was allowed to partake in all the fun, but had to sleep up in her bed, "since slumber parties are for kindergarteners and other big girls".  They decorated cookies, painted their nails with glow in the dark polish, watched a movie and ate everything in sight.  Dance parties, freeze dance contests and lots of silliness and they were all asleep by 11:15 and awake at 7am.  Not too bad, although a bit like a zoo for a while.  I realized that this was the first party many of them had been to where adults weren't running the show the whole time and they definitely preferred when I was leading the way.  I'll take it.  In a few years, I'm sure I will be shut out of the room while they gossip about boys and talk about how weird their parents are.  For now, I was happy to be chief nail painter.

Finally, Lucy is crazy about the new warmer weather.  She wants to be outside as much as possible and since we are trying to grow grass in our backyard, we have been playing in the front for a few weeks.  Lucy and her friends have decided that a tree in our side yard is their "fort" and they have a pile of sticks in there for a "dogbed" and other randrom piles of odds and ends.  They love it and disappear into the fort for hours at a time.  My only concern is that it is a holly tree, but they don't seem to mind, as long as I don't enter the sacred ground.

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