Monday, December 19, 2011

Graham and Charlie

I've been hosting a boys' playgroup all fall once a week, we call it 'Graham's Gang'.  All of the boys, 5 in all, are 2 years old.  And they are all becoming good little friends.  But two stand out: Charlie and Graham.  These two are hilarious. They love each other I think partly because they are so much darn alike.  They both have older sisters, they both are thick little dudes who crash into everything in sight, they both love a snack, trains, cars and being silly.  They have little conversations about "cardinals" and "tractors" and "garbage trucks" which usually just involve them telling the other how much they love one of the afore mentioned. 
They make up songs, look at books together, dance to any beat around and love playing outside together. Graham will even wear a coat (which he is not always inclined to do) if I explain that "Charlie has one just like this".   So while Graham loves his other buddies, and looks forward to them coming over, Charlie is #1 for now. 

These photos were taken on a rainy day which involved us hunting for worms, splashing in puddles and catching rain drops in our mouths.  These two were soaked within minutes and took turns running into each other to see who could make a bigger splash. 

A lovely party

Harper was invited to her very first, no siblings invited, birthday party last week, and she couldn't have been any happier!  It is tough around here for Harper at times.  She has a sister who is in all sorts of clubs and sports and has sleepovers, playdates and friends around all the time.  Her little brother has made a little group of friends this fall that meet weekly and he loves to tell her that they are "Graham's friends".  In other words, no girls allowed!  And Harper, with not many 3 year old girls around, is always invited, but along with Lucy or Graham. 
So when an invite came with only her name and it was a bonafied birthday party with tons of kids and at a very fun place that only Lucy had been to before, she was over the moon.  She talked about the present she was going to get her friend.  She wanted to know all about the place that the party was going to be at. And she kept asking, just to make sure, if Lucy and Graham were going.
After a very fun party and a special lunch out with me, Harper came home happy to show off her goody bag and to tell everyone about her fun.  That night as I put her in bed she asked, "tell me again why Lucy and Graham weren't invited to the party today?"  I happily told her, "Because she is YOUR friend, not theirs and your friend only wanted you there, not them."  She smiled, inserted thumb in mouth, and was off to dream of her first birthday party.

Up a tree

#1 on Lucy's Christmas List this year?  A climbing tree.  Ahhhh, I don't think that can really happen, being that a tree takes some time to grow, but I do believe that it is what the little peanut wants more than anything in the world.  At any given time, Lucy is running outside to climb in one of our two possible climbing trees, and boy are they are poor sight!  First up is the puny dogwood with thin branches that break and no height to really get a girl anywhere.  But she climbs it, every day.
Second up, is the taller Crepe Myrtle that is maybe the worst climbing tree on record.  Its branches all grow straight up, are thin and provide no stability, strength or even a good place to sit.  But she climbs it, every day. 
Both of these trees are very possible candidates for leading my child to the ER with a broken arm or cracked head, but she simply can't resist.  All the other trees are hollies (she tries, but they simply are too prickly), ornamental shrubs (which she is taller than) or giant beasts of trees in our backyard, which if she were a giant would be a great, but since the lowest branches start at our roof, probably not her best bet.
So, no climbing tree for Christmas, but I have promised a tree house in the spring.  As for her Christmas list, A Wii was #2, she's not getting that either, I'd rather she go climb a tree!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Heard on the court....

  • Graham taking off Barbie's mate, Ken's clothes until he is completely naked and then putting him on the Barbie toilet and saying, "You gotta be buns out to go potty."
  • Harper saying, "My favorite part of Christmas is Christmas trees because they are so sparkly!"
  • Graham saying, "Mom, I'm your son.  You are my mom.  Today you are my son and I am the mom."
  • Graham telling me that he wants to "be a boy and be called Harper".
  • Harper, upon hearing that I was hosting a jewelry party, "Oh!  I can't wait to try on all the jewels!"
  • Lucy, to Harper while playing, "Well, Harper, that's just life."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

Fancy shoes

Harper is a girl who likes her shoes.  Purple mary-janes, animal print, ruby red glitter shoes, pink chuck taylors, etc.  And Graham has noticed.  Being that his choices range from tennis shoes to brown suede to rain boots, he has decided lately to spice things up on his own.  Hence, the pink ballet slippers he has been spotted recently wearing or the plastic princess shoes he wears clanking down the hall. Pretty little toes!

Out of this world!

A few weeks ago we had the opportunity to meet the four astronauts that were on the final space shuttle mission at a reception at Ian's work.  Needless to say, the kids were very excited (well, Graham said he was excited, and he was, but more about the grapes they were serving than the actual astronauts, but there was excitement!)
Lucy wore her blue flight suit, of course, because what else does one wear when meeting astronauts?  She was giddy the entire night and was even called out by the administrator for NASA for her outfit.  She watched the video presentation, front row and center and was amazed that the same astronauts that were standing in front of her were the same ones being shown in the shuttle, on the space station, etc.  She especially liked meeting Sandy, the female astronaut and thought it was pretty cool that she was the only one of the four that had lived on the space station.  She also met "Rex" who became her new alter ego's namesake and the pilot and Captain, who presented her with a patch.
Harper was a bit more reserved, but was adament at the end of the night that she go and "meet Sandy!"
Lucy will definitely not forget this one and is now not sure if dolphin trainer is still what she wants to be when she grows up, she might be tempted to go to Mars!

Dreaming as only Al Bundy could

Should I be a little embarrassed that I haven't blogged in over a month and the last time I did was about my son's "aah nuts!" and now that I am back on the blog my new entry is also related to his "ahhh nuts?"  Maybe.  But let's just let the picture speak for itself:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My nuts!

For months now whenever Ian changes Graham's diaper, he claims that Graham says, "Ahh, my nuts!" He doesn't say anything remotely close to that when I change his diaper so I was skeptical and certain he was saying something else sweet and cute since my sweet 2 year old boy certainly doesn't know what his nuts are.
To prove my point when Ian supposedly repeated the ol' line "Ahh, my nuts! I came in and said. " Graham, where are your nuts?" and he showed me.
Unfortunately now not only does my 2 year old know what "his nuts" are, but since I asked and the girls weren't far away, they are all talking about nuts. Should have left it between the boys.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Graham's 2nd birthday!

Graham and I headed to Louisville to visit Nanny and Pa for a couple days while Graham could still fly for free as my lap "baby".  This might have been the best part of his birthday- he loved the airplanes, trucks, trains and everything else that goes with a big trip.  While in Louisville he was showered with attention from Max and Molly, Aunt Lauren, Pops and Grandma and Grandpa. He entertained Nanny and Pa and I have to say he did make them smile quite a bit!
Loads of treats and presents and we were headed back to Virginia for the big 2!  Graham's birthday was Friday and he celebrated with presents, going out to dinner, spending time with Gramzie, ice cream and cupcakes.  
Saturday we had a very small little get together at River Farm.  We invited the Fjeld kiddos and his little buddy Charlie, and of course, his sisters.  Graham has a new love for pirates, ever since being convinced that the ghost crab hunters at the beach were pirates with their flashlights and running down the beach at night, so we had a pirate themed cupcakes, a treasure hunt, and pirate booty snacks.  The kids ran around the garden and Graham was so happy to get muddy, climb all over the boat and the cave and to hike down to the river.

He's 2 now and that means lots of "I do it!  and "I do it by myself!"  and lots of tantrums and opinions on everything from clothes, to snacks to which way I drive in the car.  He has dove into 2 headfirst and has been pretty cute (and loud) doing it!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Here is our month in a nutshell:
Lots of parties over Memorial Day weekend
Start to school
Zanne arrives
Lucy's birthday party
Lucy's birthday
Leave for Kentucky with Graham for 3 days
Come back for Graham's birthday
Graham's birthday party
Lucy goes to slumber party
Zanne leaves
Our 9th wedding anniversary
Ian's work retreat in West Virginia
Booth at the local art festival (for which I must build an entire inventory!)

Yep, it's going to be a busy one.  Talk to ya in October.

Back to school

Tuesday was the start of the rainy season in our area, oh, and the start of the school year.  Lucy hasn't really skipped a beat.  She was excited and eager to get to school.  Harper was up early, ready early, and really ready to get to her first day of preschool. 
During the first week of school the school allows you to walk your child to their classroom and make sure they are happy and settled.  We battled the rain and ended up in the lobby.  As I am parking the stroller, Lucy says, "Mom, I want to go to my classroom by myself.  I don't need you to go with me. I know where it is, who my teacher is and where my seat is.  I'll just go ahead and go".  Double checking with her (I know, I didn't really need to) and agree to let her go by herself.  Harper doesn't start school until 20 minutes later so we were hanging in the lobby watching other kids skip to their room, or cling to their moms or greet their friends when parents of one of Lucy's friends come over to say hello.  They said their daughter was crying and carrying on in the classroom and Lucy was the one to help out.  They said Lucy came over and said, "It's going to be alright." And I hesitated to let her go by herself!
Next up with the little big sis.  She sat on a bench with her little ladybug backpack on her back, elephant lunchbox on her lap and a big smile on her face.  Every once in a while she would suck her thumb, but she really was pretty relaxed.  Then a boy named Maddux came over and began holding her hand.  He was a bit aggressive in hand holding, but Harper let him.  Then her teacher came over and lined all the preschoolers up.  Since there are special needs kids in her class, they don't let you walk them to the room, they want the good byes to be away from the room.  Harper began walking away and stopped, turned to me and gave me a double thumbs up sign and a big smile.  She was going to be just fine.
And fine she was, or even better, she has been great all week.  She takes pride in her role as "helper" and even goes above and beyond with a couple of the little girls- one with down syndrome and the other wears two hearing aids and is very young.  She plays baby dolls with them, holds hands with them as they walk down the hall and always says hello and good bye to them.  Her teachers say that she is very chatty and energetic and every day she says, "Can I go back to preschool?"  Oh yes, you can go back 4 days a week! And it is STILL raining.  And is forecasted to rain tomorrow as well. Rain outside and bright futures inside. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Disney World and What you talkin' about Willis?

We left the beach a few days early (planned, not because of the hurricane) and headed "home".  At least that's what the kids thought.  We drove instead to near Jacksonville, Florida and stayed in a hotel for the night.  When the kids woke up the next morning, they were welcomed to new Mickey Mouse t-shirts, Mickey Pez dispensers, Mickey bandaids and stickers and new disposable cameras.  Then the moment came that Lucy has been talking about for more than a year.  The big surprise.  The big "You're going to Disney World!" moment where the kids jump up and down and scream and go bananas.  Instead, we got. "what you talkin' bout?"  She didn't believe us.  Worse, she thought we were pulling a very mean joke over on her.  Then she got a a bit mad.  She wanted the surprise, but she wanted to be in on it.  Not until I showed her maps of the Magic Kingdom did she believe me.  Then the excitment began to build.  But this was just Lucy's reaction.  Harper began jumping up and down, smiling and getting excited, all the while checking to see what Lucy's reaction was and tempering her own.  And Graham?  Well, he was just excited that he was getting to start his day with Pez and a new Mickey Mouse shirt.
And so we were off.  Three hours to our hotel, the Contemporary, with a balcony overlooking Magic Kingdown.  "Are we there yet?" reminded us of another reason to keep this a secret for so long- it is agony for kids to have to wait to get a big prize, and this was the biggest!
We get to Disney World and there they were, Mickey ears everywhere!  And trains! And boats!  And Cinderella's castle!  We weren't even in a park yet and the kids were satisfied.  We spent the first day exploring our hotel with Aunt Taylor and Mark as well as Bon Bon and Grandpa and Lucy found the gift shops, which she was very happy to acquaint Bon Bon and Grandpa with.  Graham and Harper loved watching the Mickey, Goofy and Donald characters working the crowds below our room and Graham greeted each and every train that came through the hotel throughout our stay. Lucy went down to the pool with her adult posse during naptime and won a trivia contest, then we all headed to dinner and then enjoyed the glowing water parade and fireworks from our balcony.  The real fun was going to start the next day.

On Friday we headed to the Magic Kingdom.  We were immediately greeted by Pinochio, Chip and Dale, and Pluto.  When we rounded the corner and saw Cinderella's castle straight ahead, Harper gasped and Graham began yelling, "Cinderella's castle!" over and over again.  Lucy was just taking it all in and exclaiming at random things from time to time.  We headed to our first ride, the teacups, and we all spun ourselves into smiles and giggles.  Then it was Winnie the Pooh, Snow White, Dumbo, Peter Pan, It's A Small World and Fantasmic!  The kids love each and every ride in Fantasyland.  Graham rode the carousel a handful of times, all the kids ate ice cream to stave off lunch and Graham turned into Cinderella's pumpkin and had to be escorted to naptime.
The girls and I stayed back with Bon Bon and Grandpa to watch the afternoon parade and they were delighted to see all their favorite characters up close.  And it was a good thing, they were obsessed with seeing Mary Poppins at Disney and this is the only place we saw her.  Cotton candy to give them an energy boost and they were happy as little larks during the parade.  Naps, and back to Magic Kingdom for a character meet and greet and Tomorrowland where they rode some of their favorite rides of the entire trip, Buzz Lightyear and the Speedway. The character meet and greet was one of the best times of our Disney trip.  Graham has been a bit Mickey obsessed as of late and we just knew he was going to love meeting Mickey and Minnie in person. We were right, sort of.  More like, the girls were thrilled and he was tentative.  He liked seeing them from afar, but when it was time to see them up close, he wasn't so sure.  Photos and smiles and we were off to meet the princesses.  We stood in line and watched other little kids, primarily girls, gush over Aurora, Belle and Cinderella and then it was our turn. Harper and Lucy were the sweetest, they smiled and complimented the first two and Harper took turns telling each and every princess "You're my favorite!"  She even ended up with a big lipstick kiss mark on her cheek from Belle.  Graham was having none of it.  Then it was time for Cinderella.  The girls gushed.  Harper told her, "You're my favorite" and just as they were getting ready for photos, Graham wriggled free from Ian and Bon Bon and ran up to Ciderella, tugged on her skirt and yelled, "I see your castle!"  They chatted.  He told her he was "4!" and then "9!" and told her a few more times that he sees her castle. They all take photos where Lucy and Graham hug and smile their way through several photos.  Afterwards, Graham turns away and swipes his face as if to say, "I can't believe I just talked to Cinderella!" 
Off to Tomorrowland.  We all blasted our way through Buzz and Lucy and Graham were the designated drivers on speedway, which Harper chose to sit out since she didn't like the loud noise.  Electric light parade and a quick trip home so we could watch the fireworks from our balcony.  Not a bad way to end everyday- fireworks and a lightshow on the castle?  Uh huh, they were lovin' it! (Friday was Magic Hours until 1am.  Ian and I headed back to Magic Kindom for Haunten Mansion, roller coasters and splash mountain- one of the best parts of my trip!)
The next day we headed to Animal Kingdom. We all LOVED the Lion King show and then we did a few other things and then a monsoon arrived.  No, not just a storm, it was raining buckets.  We headed to Rainforest Cafe where we ate lunch and the kids enjoyed the storm show and the fish tanks.  Two highlights from this lunch: a family of ponchos were bought and we all left the restaurant in tan ponchos that had hoods on them with safari-like brims- very chic.  And Volcano!!!!  What's that?  Yep, the best grown-up moment of the trip.  Bon Bon told the wait staff that it was Ian's birthday celebration and they agreed that the best way to celebrate this was with a giant cake shaped like a volcano in which the staff serve on a platter, held above their heads as they walk though the restaurant yelling, "Volcano!! Volcano!!! Volcano!!!!"  Only hitch was that Ian wasn't at the table when they got there so they quickly stopped their yelling, backed up into each other, bumping and pushing each other away from our table while he coolly walked by.  Hilarious.  Then, once he was seated, they did the whole thing over again.  Maybe you had to be there, but believe me, you wish you were!
We braved the elements back to the hotel where Lucy headed to Magic Kingdom to ride some rides like Pirates of the Caribbean while the little ones napped.  We all met up again for dinner and more Magic Kingdom where the kids found anothr favorite ride, the Magic Carpets of Aladdin.  It was during this trip to Magic Kingdom that Lucy learned she loved thrill rides.  She discovered Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain and yelled, "get ready!" and "get ready to scream!" before every drop.  For the entire rest of the trip she begged to ride these rides over and over again.  The evening ended with Lucy and her grandparents staying in Magic Kingdom for fireworks and more rides while we watched the shows in our pajamas from the balcony so that the little guys could get to bed as early as possible.
Sunday we went to Hollywood Studios.  The kids loved the Disney Junior show where they saw Handy Manny, Little Einsteins, Mickey and Friends, and Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  Then we headed to see the Beauty and the Beast show.  On the way there Lucy, Ian and Bon Bon went to ride Tower of Terror since Lucy was so big in her britches and looking for a thrill.  Well, not thrilling, apparently, but just Terror.  She hated it and cried and swears she'll never ride it again.  Note, I did not ride Tower of Terror.  And I warned her- just sayin'. 
So, back to Beauty and the Beast.  This was one of my favorite moments of all of Disney.  It is why you go when your kids are still able to believe that these are the actual characters that they have fallen in love with from movies and shows.  When Beast is killed in the show I look over and Harper is sobbing.  I mean tears streaming down her face and so sad.  After some comforting she was jubilent when the Beast transforms into the Prince.  So all is good.  Second favorite moment from this show was when Rob leaned over to me and said, "what's his name?"  "His name is Beast, Rob."  It's really pretty simple. 
Bon Bon and Grandpa said good bye from Hollywood Studios.  We thank them for an amazing trip and know that the kids will remember it for years to come and are already looking ahead to when we can return.  THANK YOU!!!!! 
From our good-byes to more popsicles, rides and characters.  Star Tours for Ian and Lucy, Muppets for me and the little ones.  Lightning McQueen and Mater, Honey I shrunk the Kids and then a mad dash out of Hollywood Studios before another parade and another storm.  We shuttle back, naps, pool time for Lucy and then back to Magic Kingdom.  It was our last chance to ride our favorite rides.  For Lucy that meant Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain.  For the little ones that meant It's A Small World, and we all met up for Winnie the Pooh and Buzz Lightyear, the light show and fireworks. 
We had the most amazing time in Disney.  Totally worth the total 35 hours of driving over 10 days, the stress of packing and unpacking multiple times.  How many families get a beach trip and a Disney trip in one summer, much less in one trip?  We saw two sets of grandparents, enjoyed Aunt Taylor at Disney and everyone overdosed on sweets, rides, smiles and Oh my gosh moments!  Very magical indeed.