Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How do you spell P-R-O-U-D?

She has done it, a few months earlier than I had planned, but she has really done it! The she I am talking about is Lucy and the big accomplishment is READING!!!!
I told Lucy last week that I thought we should spend a little time each night working on her sight words and reading a BOB book (early reader) every night before her bedtime story and bed. After one week she picked up a book, sounded out all of the words and read the story to me. It was amazing! Now, don't get me wrong, we still have a long way to go and she has now taken to memorizing the same book and "reading" it over and over again, but she has made real progress in just a week. So now she is sounding out words in books while I cook dinner, while riding in the car and wants to read to me at any given moment.
All of this coincides with our reading of a book about George Washington, in which the terms freedom and liberty are discussed. Lucy has lots of questions about these ideals and we talk about them after reading the book. She applied these new concepts to our discussion of the attempted bomb in NYC and why some people in this world would want to hurt Americans. When I explained to her that some people don't have the same freedoms and liberties that we have and are angry about it she pressed me with more questions. I explained to her that in some parts of the world a lot of children, especially little girls, aren't allowed to go to school, listen to music, dance, or read books. She looked at me and said, "some people are not free to read books? I'm already reading all by myself and I would be sad if I couldn't read." Yes, even our four year old can read better than many across the globe- and she can understand injustice.

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