Monday, November 30, 2009

Where's My Little Girl???

Well, I guess it is a good thing that I have two girls and a boy. I'm not much for prissy girls who have to wear dresses and have to have princess and pink everything, but I would love a little girl who liked SOME part of being a little girl. Let me back up.
Lucy has decided, slowly, but surely, that she does not like being a girl. She wants only to wear pants. No pink or purple will ever do (minus her "Natural Beauty" tshirt that is pink and has a horse on it). Braids are for girlier girls and princesses are just not her thing. When playing dress up, she always wants Harper to be the princess and she assumes the role of prince. When naming her My Little Ponies, she chooses boy names for them ("because they are better"). When playing pretend play she deepens her voice and acts "manly".
Tomboy she is not. She is still too OCD to be a rough and tumble kid. She doesn't like to be dirty or make messes. She simply wants to live in either her UK tshirt or her Redskins sweatshirt, but they must stay clean.
I'm finding that any time she wants to do something girly, I am all for it, pushing her to do it, actually. Paint her nails, put on make up, wear jewelry, whatever. Today she got me, though. When I let her put on jewelry, it was to my chagrin that it was used to "fight the bad guys". Oh well, there' Harper. Maybe she will be my ballerina fairy princess. Or, maybe like everything else, she will follow Lucy's lead. I guess there is always Graham :)!

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