Thursday, February 12, 2009


Harper is 9 months old this week. She went to her check up yesterday, got a couple of shots (hardly even cried) and charmed the pants off of everyone there. They actually called her the flamingo since she was showing off, standing on one leg and waving one arm. The are predicting an early walker.
She now weighs 15 pounds- a lightweight with no sign of putting on weight now that she is on the move constantly. She is cruising the furniture and trying to climb anything and everything.
She also talks. And talks and talks. She is a little mimic. She will "woof" when the dog barks, she will say "dog", "duck", "quack", "hi", "bye bye" and momma, dada, and whatever else she thinks she can manage at that moment. In fact, she is starting to sing along with songs in the car- especially ones about ducks. She will even wake in the middle of the night just to talk for 20 minutes before going back to sleep. We all hear it, we just don't respond.
We call her roosterzilla because she continues to be Lucy's personal godzilla- taking down block towers, zoo set ups, train tracks, and towns in a single movement. The rooster comes from the fact that she continues to have some of the most ridiculous hair and squawks when being her most destructive.
She loves her belly button and actually had one of her cutest moments ever when she was at the doctor, in her diaper, sitting on the exam table, checking out her belly button. When the nurse came in, she just flashed her a grin and went back to her excavation. She eats, and eats, and eats. Today she discovered french toast- inhaled it, she also loves blueberries, cheddar cheese, apricots, and sandwiches. Spaghetti and meatballs became a favorite this week as well.
9 months has gone by awfully fast. I'm sure as soon as the weather turns warm for good her birthday will seem right around the corner. In the meantime, we will continue scurrying her away from Lucy's tiny toys, taking dog food out of her mouth, and letting her explore things like mulch, grass, ears, and bathrooms.

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