Friday, October 26, 2007

BOO at the Zoo

Well, we needed rain. So it rained, and rained and rained. And it almost kept us from going to Boo at the Zoo, but who is going to tell a super-cute 2 year old that she can't go trick or treating at her most favorite of all places? So we went. In the rain. In the pouring rain. And we had a blast. Lucy loved seeing all the costumes and Halloween decorations. She loved getting to walk through a giant Tiger's body that belched and "tooted" all the while. She loved seeing the lions roar, since afterall, they are nocturnal, we usually only get to see them sleeping in the daytime. And she loved the treats! She dressed in her super long, super warm black fur coat and donned ears and whiskers and voila!, she was a cat so that we could keep her warm and dry in all the rain. We can't wait to do it again next year!

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