Monday, June 18, 2007

Playtime with Gramzie

Parker was at school and Pop Pop left for Sapalo Island in the morning so Lucy spent the morning alone with Gramzie. They walked to the park but Lucy deemed it "too hot" so they walked back home and played in a bucket of water for about 2 hours! She then tuckered out and rested before she went over to our friends, the Noll's, new house in Masterson Station. She got to play with Thomas, Henry and Cate as well as Lily O'Dea in teh backyard. They all had a great time and were quite busy the entire time.

When we got home Lucy caught more fireflies and we put them in the big cage that Aunt Boog had painted for her. She told me that after she went to sleep they were foing to "dance in the light of the moon". Pretty nice.

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