Saturday, June 30, 2007

Bottoms Up! A week in Potty Training

Well, I don't have many photos and videos to share this week since Lucy has been wearing nothing but her birthday suit much of the week. We officially started potty training on Monday and she has decided that she will wear nothing but a shirt or dress or her Elmo underwear (or as she calls them, her Elmos or Zoes) at the house. This does not provide Internet friendly photo opportunities since the week has been filled with many bottoms up positions, many glances at her nether regions and even an experience I call the "face sitting" which involved me on the floor and opening my eyes to two cute little butt cheeks resting on my face- not so cute at that angle, I might add.

I was just about to give up the potty training effort yesterday when she decided that she would stay dry for two straight days and has successfully pottied a couple of times since then. She even stayed dry the entire time we went into DC today to attend the Folk Life Festival. She is being rewarded with jelly beans and stickers on her sticker chart and gets to read one of the cards that her family and friends have sent to celebrate her potty training success. She will occasionally ask me if "Momma is proud" which is so sweet I feel a bit guilty every time she asks- of course I'm proud of her! I think the book "Once Upon A Potty" has really helped as well since she talks about the main character "Prudence" a whole lot and told me that Prudence was really happy and proud of her pottying accomplishments as well.

Back to the Folk Life Festival. So if you have never been, it would be a fun time to visit one summer in the future. They choose 3 different cultures from around the world each year and then bring in the food, crafts, dance, music and businesses that make that culture so unique and share them for all to see on the National Mall. This year they are celebrating Northern Ireland, Mekong, and Virginia. Lucy loved the bluegrass music in the Virginia tent and we all loved the ham and bisquits! Lucy also played the drums in the Mekong tent and rode the merry go round on the Mall. The best part for her: the Metro ride in. She still loves trains and every time we made a stop she would say "Again!" Pops would probably like to know that she also loved the tunnels we went in.

We are looking at several weeks of pool time, birthday parties and hopefully soaking up as much Taylor and Coulter time that we can before they head back to school in August.

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