Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The girls are at Bible School this week from 9-12 in the morning.  This means that Graham and I are getting a preview week of what life will be like this fall once the girls are off to school and I have the little man alone everyday.  So far, so good.  I can't believe how much easier everything is with only one.  And this is taking Harper out of the equation, she's the easy one to begin with!  But only one set of seat belt buckles, one snack to pack, one to get across the parking lot, one in the cart, one treat to haggle over.  On top of that, there is no fighting.  Only one set of tantrums for the morning.  One person making messes (although he is the chief mess maker anyways, so I'm not sure I am off the hook here). 
We'll miss the girls, sure.  But so far, things are looking like they are going to be smooth sailing with me and the little guy.  (and just think of next year when they are all at school in the mornings- I'm almost giddy!)

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