Monday, May 23, 2011

Shirtless summer

Graham dies nOt like taking his shirt off. He battles each and every change of shirt. It doesn't matter if it is a pj shirt or a favorite shirt or just a plain old tshirt, he wants it on for good. Wet, covered with pizza sauce or mud, whatever he has on is a keeper. So the impending summer shirtless weather is not boding well for our little man. He threw a fit for 20 minutes today when I put swim trunks on him to play out in the baby pool. Until I shut the door to his room and forced him outside to witness his sisters splashing it up did he forget the current favorite turquoise colored polo shirt that now lie on his floor, awaiting his return to dry clothes.
Perhaps it has been the months of asking, "hey Graham, where's your situation?" or the constant squeezing of his muffin top or the calling him chubs, pudge, or piggy that have made him insecure. Or maybe it's just a demonstration of having some control for little man who just simply doesn't get much say around here, being the baby, one year old boy with two older sisters. Either way, let's hope that he gets over his shirt obsession- the pool opens in just days and he's just about the only boy up there that I think can turn heads!

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