Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Carving pumpkins

Lucy wanted a happy, silly face and Harper wanted something "pooky!"  Graham just wanted to pull the insides out and eat raw seeds.  Pumpkin carving in our house came on Halloween morning.  Lucy wa excited to put her hands in teh squishy mess and it was evident that they had done this at her school and she was using her new knowledge of all things pumpkin as she explored her own jack-o-lantern.  Harper was not as enthused.  She wanted to be part of the process but did not want to get messy or put her hands into the pumpkins.  She liked putting the lids on and off, over and over again.  Graham was somewhere in between.  He was tentative, but he did like the mess. Unfortunately, he couldn't keep himself from eating the mess and so had to be reigned in a bit and not allowed full freedom of pumpkin exploration. 

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