Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Training

It's that time of year again, when the top players hit the grassy green lawns of Virginia to work on their agility, footwork, speed and hand-eye coordination. Where those that can quickly spot, run and grab their intended object come out the top winners. It, my friends, is Easter Egg Hunting prep time, and my girls love to practice.
That's right, we have half a dozen egg hunts a week these days. For Harper, we use it as an opportunity for her to learn her colors ("hey Harper, why don't you go out and find 2 yellow eggs?"). For Lucy, it gives her a chance to either, one, be in charge and do the hiding, or two, work on her speed so that she can smoke all her friends in the friendly egg hunt we host. Sometimes I put jellybeans in them, sometimes Cheerios, raisins or chocolate chips. Often, there is nothing at all except bragging rights as to who grabbed the most eggs. The real prizes come on April 10, when we play host to our friends in a giant egg hunt (last year we had almost 1,000 eggs!) For now, it is back to the girls' spring training.

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