Sunday, September 30, 2007

Birthday on the Farm

We went to Oxon Hill Farm today for a birthday party. Lucy got to milk a cow, pet a hen, watch a horse getting a bath, see rabbits, baby chicks, ducks, pigs, sheep and goats. To top it off, she also got to go on a hay ride that was the highlight of the day!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Picking Apples

We went apple picking at Homestead Farms on Sunday and Lucy was so excited about driving out to the "Country" and going to the farm. She picked apples, watched goats climb a bridge, heard a large pig snort and climbed on the haystacks. She is already looking forward to picking pumpkins and taking a tractor ride in a few weeks!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Little Duck

Lucy went to story time on Friday to hear about animals on the farm. Since she is two now, she gets to make a craft at story time now as well (she's so big!) She made this duck hat and grabbed one for Ronin and Asher as well.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

First real bubble bath

Lucy's first real bubble bath.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

September 12- the actual BIG day

We were all suffering from a bit of birthday fatigue when the actual day came around, but we mustered up some fun for Lucy's actual 2nd birthday! We had Ronin and Andrew over to play in the morning and they did a fine job of playing with every single toy in the house. That evening we had ice cream and sang happy birthday and presented Lucy with a few last gifts. Needless to say, she was blessed throughout all her birthday celebrations and we are grateful for everything that everyone did for her.

Monday, September 10, 2007

School Days

Lucy started school today and it went off without a hitch (almost). She was so excited this morning she could barely play, eat breakfast or wait for me to get ready. She kept saying "Let's GO!!" When we got there we were a few minutes early and she got upset when she saw her new teacher leave the room. Then when it was time for her to go in, she put on a brave face, gripped my hand really hard and then was just fine. I worked at her school today so I was able to spy on her a couple of times and got progress reports from her teacher and they said she was doing great, playing nicely, following directions, etc. I was working in the 4 year old classroom and when we were coming in from the playground our class accidentally ran into Lucy's class (the Pandas) and that's when it all went downhill. That was at 12:15 and apparently the sight of me being with other kids and not taking her home sent Lucy into a tailspin and she pretty much cried the rest of the day. Thankfully that was only 45 minutes but I still felt bad. She did have a great day overall, had lots to tell me, got french fries as a first day treat and is ready to go back tomorrow.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Lucy LOVES SPINNING! This is her new favorite thing to do right before bedtime. I've even caught her doing it when she is actually in bed. This is a classic video. Watch when she stops spinning and tries to stand up- she just sort of rolls over. This is not to be unmatched by the time (unfortunately not on video) when she was spinning, ran into the wall, took a step backward and then fell straight as an arrow backwards. She just giggles and giggles.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Lucy's VA bday party

Lucy had her friends birthday party at the Lee Disctrict ReCenter. They played in the soft playroom, the ball pit, the playground and the party room. She wanted a bug birthday party so we gave bug cages to all her friends, decorated everything with bugs and even had dirt cake with worms for desert. Aunt Lauren made her tshirt with two candles on it and it was the hit of the party. She woke up Sunday morning wanting to do it all over again. What a great day!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

School Open House

Lucy had a dry run for school on Thursday. She insisted we pack her lunch bag (a penguin) and pack her backpack (a horse). She went in shy as can be and about 2 minutes later she felt right at home, was talking to her new teachers, Miss Chris and Miss Sophie, talking on the play phones, making play food for everybody and didn't want to leave. Here is a picture of her getting ready.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Stealing Peppers

This kid loves peppers and onions. Whenever I am cutting them up she grabs her stool and starts eating away. Today I walked away from my cutting board and came back to Lucy eating a bowl of peppers and onions- no shame about it!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

National Zoo

We went to the zoo on our first day so that we could get our "Boo at the Zoo" tix. We invited Andrew along and they played on the big pizza, the prairie dog tunnels, and loved all the animals.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Two year olds just can't show excitement over a sweater, no matter how nice the sweater!

with Nanny and Pa

Going to KY with a banjo on her knee

Lucy had a great time in KY and has been a bit disappointed that everyone didn't follow her to VA when she got back. She has played with all her toys and loves her birthday cake, her princess jewelry and tiaras, her make up, her "Little Engine that Could" book, her pink chucks, her cutting food, her animals (all 25 of them!) and her doctor kit. She has played dress up and has dressed up her snap n style books, played with her puzzles and has loved every minute of it! Here are pictures from our trip.