Sunday, July 29, 2012

A great Swim Season Comes to a Close

Lucy wrapped up her second swim season last night at her team's swim banquet.  This was a fun year since her team moved up to division 6 (the lower the number, the better the division). They went undefeated and had so many team record breakers.  This year also marked the first time Lucy swam in an "A" meet, swimming butterfly and shaving 14 seconds off her previous time.  She received a trophy for her participation as well as a "paper plate" award titled the "mother duck" award.  She got this since she is one of the "little ducks" to one of the older girls on the team, Caroline.  She follows her everywhere and Caroline takes care of her at swim meets.  They have formed a great friendship this summer so the paper plate award speaks to her time on the sidelines at the meets. Another great award would have been "most likely to be found atop the coach's shoulder" since this is the other place she could be found during the meets.
At the completion of the season, Lucy was swimming freestyle, backstroke and butterfly in B meets.  She finished the last day of practice with a personal best in both butterfly and freestyle.  She is eager to add breaststroke so will be wanting to work on them in the off season.
She is sad to see the season end since it is her favorite of all her extra curricular activities, but it will be nice to have some down time in August before school and soccer, winter swim, Brownies, Lego club, running club... start.  Now its just time to swim and play and sleep-in (hear that Graham and Harper?, we are sleeping in!)

Friday, July 27, 2012

I love Lucy, but who does Lucy love?

Just when I begin to think Lucy is a tom boy through and through, we have a sleepover and I find out that the innocent drawing of a boy she made at camp the other day has "Lucy loves Charlie" on the back.  She says, "I can't help it, I have a little crush." 
Now I'm wishing she was that tom boy again.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Real Man

So says Graham, while standing in a very wide stance, "I'm a real man with my phone and sword!"  While wearing a necklace, holding a pink phone and a foam sword. Then he added, "And I'm going to Book Club!"

Sunday, July 8, 2012

First "A" meet!

Lucy is 6 this summer which means that she swims in the 6 and under category for swim meets.  Her team has "B" meets on Monday nights in which the kids all swim all their able strokes and then the top 3 times in each category swim in the "A" meet on Saturdays.  But they don't have 6 and unders in the "A" meets so the chances of Lucy besting times of girls who are 2 years older than her has just seemed out of her reach.  Until this past week.  With one of her rivals absent from the meet and Lucy's ability to swim butterfly, she got her chance.
She started the week at Monday's meet swimming a time of 47+ seconds swimming against 8 and under girls and boys.  The coaches got to work.  If the team was swimming freestyle, Lucy was swimming fly.  If the team was working on starts, she was too, but with the intent to start at fly.  We asked one coach to give her a private lesson on Friday afternoon.  In just half an hour, she went from looking like she would tire quickly to looking like she actually knew what she was doing.
Saturday morning we arrived at our pool at 7:50.  It was already 95 degrees outside.  Lu was going to swim for less than a minute and we were going to sweat it out for 4 hours.  But that didn't matter, we just wanted her to be happy with her race.
Backstroke.  Breaststroke.  Butterfly. 
First the 8 and under boys.  Then Lu was up.  She usually looks around to see who is cheering.  Not this time.  She was very serious.  She even donned her swim cap, which up until this moment, she had refused to wear.  She was ready to bring her "A" game. 
And that she did.  She hung in there with the older girls and as one coach put it, "barely missed placing" since she finished in synch with 3 other girls, even flat out beating 1 of them.  And the best part- her time was 33+ seconds- she had shaved 14 seconds off her time, in 5 days.  Unbelievable!
Needless to say, we are very proud.  She is very proud.  She is certain that she'll never get to race in an "A" meet again this year, being only 6.  But if you look at her time, you'll see that she has a real chance to go every week. 
We found out today that she ended up DQing in her race.  She is not happy about this and is wanting to ask her coaches why.  When I explained to her that the judges are tougher in "A" meets.  She said, "I don't care.  I wanted to win and I wanted to make my coaches happy."  Looks like she has a new challenge ahead of herself.  And knowing that she can make great progress when she wants to, I have no reason to doubt that she will swim another "A" meet this season, and it will be a clean race.  And it will be faster than 33 seconds.  And it will make her coaches proud.  And us, too!


Graham is the epitome of summer.  Tanned, flip flopped, baggy shorts and many a nautical t shirt.  But the real reason why he looks like a "surfer dude", as Lucy would say, is because of his giant head of floppy bleached blonde hair.  Everyone loves his hair.  Strangers shake it when they walk by.  Folks talk about it at the pool, the playground, and Bible school.  But if you ask Graham, he is not blonde. 

"I'm not blonde!!!"
"Graham, blonde means yellow or whitish hair."
"I'm not blonde!  I'm lemon!"

And so it goes.  He has very strong opinions about this, and other things like this. 
He is not handsome.  He is "awesome".
He is not strong.  He is "big muscles".
He is not cute.  He is "cool".
And now he is sour on blonde, but he IS lemon.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Summer Update

I know, I know.  I need to blog more and used to be soooo much better.  But we are busy.  It ain't easy squeezing in time for much of anything, much less recording what the kids are doing since they are always doing something!
Here is the long and short of it!

Graham potty trained in May.  It was all his idea.  He woke up one morning and said, "I don't wear diapers anymore."  The truth was, he spent 3 days not going in the potty either.  When I said, "I give up, time to go back to diapers."  He resolved to go on the potty- and we haven't looked back.  Since then, he has become obsessed with trying out the bathrooms in every restaurant, store, or other public space that we go to.  He also is obsessed with his under roos- from Buzz and Woody, to Cars, to Thomas the Tank Engine to Batman, he likes them all and likes to change them several times a day to give all his favorites a chance to be worn.  My favorite potty training quote from Graham in the early days of training, "Mom, Batman is a bad guy.  He is on my underwear.  I can't wear those, because Batman is going to get my penis."  He has since changed his thoughts on this and Batman is not a bad guy.
Graham is a liar.  I mean that in a sweet way, but he is still a liar.  He makes up stuff all the time and truly believes that if he is exited enough or says it loud enough, then it will be true.  For instance, at the pool the other day I told him it was time to wrap things up.  His reply, "And go to Charlie's Super Hero Birthday Party!!!  I can't wait. We are going to his house for the party, eating cake, playing games and I am going to get goodies!"  Charlie was not having a party.  Nor has Graham been invited to a party for Charlie.  But Graham felt that if he gave it his all, it just might happen- that afternoon.    He also likes to make things up like:
"I have never eaten carrots."
"I don't have any sisters."
"I'm really sad.  I've never had any treats.  Ever."
"I live in a tunnel."
"I don't have a bed."- told to another mother at the pool
"I've never been to sleep."
 "I have a brother named Ben."- told to a stranger at the store. 
Liar.  Liar. Liar. He also tells everyone that he is 5. To which Harper always replies, "He isn't 5, he's 2. He just likes the number 5. I'm 4, I'm bigger."
Graham loves to lay on his floor and play with cars. Or trains.  Or airplanes. Or dinosaurs.  He also loves to listen to books on cd.


Harper is a pest.  This is her favorite thing to do.  i should stop here since this is pretty much what she spends her day doing.  And loving every minute of it.  With a smile. And graham takes the bait.  Every time!
But of course, there is more, not much, but I have to mention that she loves coloring, drawing pictures of dogs, rainbows, people walking dogs under rainbows...
She also loves riding her bike, learning to swim, putting on jewelry or makeup.  Harper loves ballet and playing doctor with Lucy and Graham.  She loves helping me cook and is relishing helping me shop at the Farmer's Market where she likes to choose the veggies for dinner and try all the bread samples.  She is growing up and sounding and looking bigger, just not getting any bigger!

She had her first ever ballet recital in June.  Gramzie and Pop Pop were able to see her at her dress rehearsal and Bon Bon and Grandpa and Aunt Taylor were all present for her full recital.  She did great!  While her class consisted of 1 girl who cried and ran off the stage, 1 who fell and had her tutu flip over her head, 1 who pretty much just stood there and 2 who half did the routine, Harper stood out.  She did the entire routine, with a smile and in perfect time.  Next up, she goes to Ballet Camp for July.
And did I mention she is a pest?  She loves to switch seats in the car to make Graham scream.  She loves to walk over, take a toy that Graham has put down and casually walk away with it, making Graham scream. If Graham says, "I don't want to read Dumbo.".  Harper will quietly whisper, "We're going to read Dumbo."  40 times.  Until he is crying and screaming.  If Graham hears a song and says, "this is my favorite song!"  Harper says, "this is my song."  And makes Graham scream.  See a pattern here?
Hence the reason why Harper is spending more and more time at playdates is simply to give Graham (and Me!) a break.  She went to a friend's house last month for "Princess Camp" where they donned princess dresses and then dusted the house a la Cinderella.  She loved it.  Then she wanted to host her own camp.
She chose Christmas in the summer camp. She had over 4 friends and they made ornaments for our palm tree xmas tree, decorated stockings, listened to Christmas music and books, watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, drank frozen hot chocolate, decorated sugar cookies and ended up with opening presents- which they jumped to the conclusion that Santa had brought to them. 


Lucy ended her first grade year on a high note, finishing some stories she had been working on, having a great field day, running in her second track meet, and earning a certificate for always being kind to others in her class.
Ending first grade meant ending Daisies (and moving on to Brownies).  For the big Daisy finale, we took the troop camping with 200 other girl scouts.  It was cabin camping and the highlights were a group challenge course, a stream hike (where Lucy was the first to jump into the stream and get her feet wet in looking for critters in the water), hours of campfire cooking, a big campfire with skits and songs, a hayride and lots of giggling, singing and running, climbing, and skipping about- oh, and I killed a black widow spider that was found hiding inside the roll of toilet paper the girls had been using for 2 days.

With school over, that means swimming is in full force for Lucy.  She has practice 5 days a week and a meet every monday night.  She still hasn't finished worst than 3 in any race and has scored personal bests every meet in at least one stroke.  And she has added butterfly to her reportoire.  She is the only 6 and under swimming fly and this means that we are at meets until 9:30 every week while the rest of her friends leave around 8.  She loves fly and is found practicing all the time.  And being the only 6 and under means that she always gets a blue ribbon!
Lucy loves meets.  She loves being independent  and on the other side of the pool with her team mates where she is usually found flirting with teenage boys or sitting and playing cards with teenage girls.  But a good chunk of time she is found sitting upon her coaches shoulders while he coaches the team from the side of the pool.  Independence means that she has her own dinner, her own card games, doodle pads, money to spend at the concession stand and pretty much acts as though we are aliens if we dare cross over the team line.
In her spare time, she is reading up a storm.  Her favorites are the Magic Tree House chapter books.  She reads about 3 or 4 a week.  She also loves to help with chores around the house (I love that she LOVES to dust and vacuum!), swinging in the backyard and she just started up her tennis lessons for the summer.  She has mastered going across the monkey bars, wrapped up her soccer season, and is still climbing everything she sees.
Oh, and she LOVES Turtleman.  What started out as letting Lucy watch Animal Planet has ended up with her begging to watch Call of the Wildman at all hours of the day.  She thinks Turtleman is awesome for these reasons:
-he's from Kentucky
-he "looks like Pops"
-"he sounds like Pops"
-he catches wild animals
-he makes crazy noises
She can now be caught in the basement with a wooden knife in her teeth, a riding crop that she is poking at some innocent stuffed animal and yelling, "Live Action!"  Lord help us.

 More photos to come.  I got a new fancy camera that I have no idea how to use!