Thursday, August 30, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007

Hot Buns Anrew!

Lucy went to "Anrew's" house on Wed and squealed with excitement when he came out of his room in just a diaper and shirt. Then he added the navy socks and the fireman's cap and she yelled "Hot Buns Anrew!"

All this started because we called Lucy's bottom her "sugar buns" for a while. Then she heard the song "Hot Cross Buns" and assumed it was talking about her "buns" Now she just calls them "hot buns". What have we started!

Happy 31st Ian!

Lucy has been in birthday mode all week. She helped get ready for Ian's 31st birthday by going on a special gift buying outing, she helped wrap the presents and decorated the wrapping paper all week with her drawings, she put sprinkles on the cake, made him a card and a happy birthday sign and practiced singing "Happy Birthday To You" as she likes to call it. She then helped by blowing the candles out (which is what she is saying at the beginning of the video). When she woke up the morning after the party, she said "another birthday party?" Needless to say, she was thrilled to learn that the next party will be for her!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pour Some Water on Me!

Lucy had a sopping wet time with Ian at the pool and helped him cool off by pouring water over his head. She sure will miss the pool when it is closed next week!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Marco! Polo!

Lucy and I went to the swimming pool today where she joined the big kids for some fun (or at least, she tried). First, she threw a group of 4 little boys totally off when they played Marco Polo and she would yell "Polo!" whenever one would call out "Marco". They kept finding a squealing 2 year old instead of their friends- she loved it, not sure they did though.

Then, she stood on a kickboard and said that she was "Shurbin" or "surfing" to those of you who don't understand Lu. She was pretty proud of this. Then she immitated 2 older kids who were running with kickboards into the water, as if at the beach. She would always stop just short of going under water but the highlight was her yelling "Watch Momma, I'm doing it!"

All that hard playing and she was totally wiped out and ready for a nap but before she went to sleep she told me that "Aunt Taylor is in Kentucky. I'm going to Ky in a few days to have a birthday party and eat cake." Then she added, in a whisper "and get presents". She's got it all figured out.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Good to be home

Lucy was so happy to get home on Sunday night. Parker came with Gramzie and Pop Pop as well to see Lucy's house so she got to show off all her toys (and silliness) with Parker here. On Monday she played with just about every toy in the house and talked about Reggie nonstop (and Where's Parker?- too bad we didn't leave that question at the beach!)

Parker is in the owl mask.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Horsies! The Beach! Parker!

Chincoteague- Where's Parker?

I'll let one blog take the place of a week's worth. We had a great time at the beach with the whole Jefferies family. Lucy LOVED seeing and playing with Parker and her favorite phrase of the week was definitely "Where's Parker?" (even when he was directly in front of her sometimes). She smiled the biggest smile ever when he let her hold his hand and she would squeal with delight at the very sight of him. Parker indulged her by tickling her chin and neck and by constantly trying to get her to say whatever words came to his mind. The conversations usually went something like this: "Hey Wucy, can you say octopus? Can you say thank you say thank you? can you say your welcome? can you say pee pee head?" Of course, she obliged and then got in trouble for saying "pee pee head".
Lucy got lots of time with Gramzie and Pop Pop and as usual had Gramzie wrapped around her little pinky. They would sit on the beach and eat cheese crackers, dig in the sand and Lucy would take over Pop Pop's chair. Pop Pop would take Lucy and Parker to the water in the evenings to see the lighthouse.
Lucy loved getting into the water, digging holes in the sand, filling her bucket and climbing the beach over and over. She also loved the ice cold beach showers and would sometimes start heading down to the beach so that she could take a shower- so independent!
She already misses everyone and has been doing a run down of who she will see in Kentucky in a few weeks. Things are just not the same around here without Aunt Taylor and she misses her so much!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Out to Lunch

We met Ian and our friend Matt for lunch to say good-bye to Matt before his move to Minnesota. Taylor came with us as a final hoorah as well. We took this picture since we never get a chance to take a photo of all 3 of us together.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Flip Flopping

Lucy is very eager to try on anyone's shoes at anytime. Today it was my flip flops, which of course pose a challenge when it comes to walking. Thankfully, the pool was calling so she didn't complain when I told her she couldn't wear them to the swimming pool.

Blonde Bombshell

Lucy is so blonde right now. The pool and playground have really lightened her hair this summer and it is so perfectly blonde. She is the cutest!